What We Believe

10th Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner
The Beacon Center Mission
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Doctrine Lighthouse 

Absolutely Stands on…

      I.     Holy Scriptures

               o   God-breathed

               o   Infallible and inerrant

               o   Sufficient

               o   Authoritative

   II.     Doctrine of God

               o   All-Knowing

               o   Is Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth

III.     Trinity

               o   God is one in essence

               o   God is three Persons

               o   The Persons of the Godhead are one in substance, power, and eternity.

  IV.     Creation

               o   All things were created by God for His own glory and Pleasure

               o   Man is made in God’s image

     V.     Providence

               o   God sustains His creation now

               o   God is intimately involved with His creation

               o   God provides for His creation

  VI.     Original Sin

               o   Adam was and is the representative of all unredeemed people

               o   When Adam fell, all humanity fell in Adam

               o   All are sinners by nature

               o   Man is born dead in trespasses and sin

               o   By nature man is a child of wrath

VII.     The Holy Spirit

               o   Is fully God

               o   Is a Person

               o   Convicts of sin

               o   Applies the work of Christ

               o   Regenerates sinners (absolute necessity for salvation)

               o   Sanctifies and comforts those who belong to Christ

VIII.     Person of Christ

               o   Was and is eternally God

               o   Took to Himself human flesh

               o   His divine Person was joined with a full human nature yet without sin

               o   Was born of a virgin

               o   Lived a sinless life

               o   Is the Messiah and only Savior

               o   Bodily death, resurrection, and ascension

               o   The only way to the Father

               o   Is Prophet, Priest, and King

  IX.     Gospel

               o   All of grace

               o   Good news

               o   Christ as a substitutionary sacrifice on the cross

               o   Christ as a free gift of righteousness

               o   Christ as the wrath-bearer on the cross

               o   Christ as Lord

               o   Christ as High Priest

               o   Only Mediator between God and man

     X.     Justification

               o   Forensic (legal) declaration

               o   Imputation of man’s sin to Christ

               o   Imputation of Christ’s righteousness to man

               o   By faith apart from works

  XI.     Grace

               o   God saves by grace alone

               o   Man does not earn or merit any favor of God

               o   God saves to the glory of His grace

XII.     Repentance and Faith

               o   Man must turn from the love of sin to the love of God

               o   Man must turn from unbelief to faith in Christ

               o   Man must turn from being lord of his own life to the Lordship of Christ

               o   Repentance and faith are gifts of God

XIII.     Good Works

               o   Necessarily flow from faith

               o   Must be there to show love for Christ

               o   Do not merit grace

XIV.     Law

               o   Must be proclaimed as a tutor to Christ

               o   Teaches men of sin and so the need of Christ

               o   Demonstrates God’s holiness

               o   Humbles and breaks men of self-righteousness

 XV.     Church

               o   Consists of true believers

               o   Under the Lordship of Christ

               o   Should be guided by Holy Scripture

XVI.     Baptism

               o   Is for believers only

               o   Is by immersion

               o   Is the sign of the New Covenant

XVII.     Final Judgment

               o   Resurrection to eternal life or eternal death

               o   Resurrection to eternal, conscious torment for the damned

               o   Resurrection to eternal joy in Christ for the believer

XVIII.     Evangelism & Missions

               o   There must be a free proclamation of the gospel to all people

               o   The gospel should go to all nations

               o   The gospel should be proclaimed to local people

               o   Groups of disciples should be gathered in towns and communities

               o   Disciples and churches should be strengthened